Friday, July 11, 2014

GoPro Hero4 Marketing Plan

Nearly a decade ago Nick Woodman introduces the GoPro to the world, since its debut GoPro has gained a substantial amount of popularity among the action sports community. With its compact size, durable build quality, and unique filming perspective the GoPro camcorder has established itself as a fierce competitor in the market. The announcement of the GoPro Hero4 has created an opportunity to develop a new marketing plan that can wide GoPro’s customer base and strengthen current customer loyalty.

The GoPro has developed a reputation has primarily being an action sports camera. However, it can be much more than that it is also the perfect compact camcorder for daily usage. It’s great for a family vacations or road trip to capture those special moments in time. Maybe recording your child’s sporting event, graduation, or birthday. Whatever the occasion the GoPro can handle any task you through at it.

Our marketing plan should continue to focus on the needs of the action sports community, but also make it a point to show that the GoPro Hero4 is a suitable replacement for anyone looking to buy a camcorder for everyday use. As part of our marking plan we can create GoPro Hero4 videos that not just capture action sport, but also special family functions, holidays, and more traditional sporting events. This will demonstrate that the GoPro Hero4 is still a full on action sports machine, but also reach out to consumers looking for that everyday video camera.


  1. This is great, hopefully the price will stay reasonable. My husband always wanted one so he could record his franks on me, or every time he startled me on purpose. I on the other hand want one to record my dog's cute moments. Great for family. lol

  2. I think the GoPro is a great product that should be marketed to everyone for any occasion and not just for action sports. How bout for those looking to experience a child birth or kids first birthday without the hassle of holding a camera and being a third person to the event. This product is a great idea and should be in everyone's home.

  3. What ought to be considered is the number of fighter pilots that purchase these cameras. My brother is a pilot for the US Air Force and it amazes me how many pilots purchase these to create videos of their flying. Not only is it amazing to watch and mix with music but it is also a helpful training tool because it allows them to relive and replay the way they acted under certain situations and can teach them methods of overcoming any issues that may have taken place during their training.

    Just thought this might be helpful information for you and your project.

  4. It's a good idea thinking about the family side. People may get more closer by spending more time and taking many warm videos together. The camera records the memory they have been together. No doubt, it's good for family relationship.
